
In the “Diula” language in Mali, the term « dugutigui » (chief of the village), literally translated, means: «owner of the village»; «dugu» means village and «tigui», owner. Probably the term is the result of the contraction of «dugu kuntigui» (literally: chief of the village).
Now, that I have clearly explained who I am NOT, only to add that I feel much comfortable – at the present moment – being absolutely anonymous. On other hand, the purpose of the blog is not to promote myself or promoting anything, but simply communicate ideas to who could feel identified with them.
Dugutigui (3)
En la lengua “Diula” de Mali, el término « dugutigui » (jefe del poblado), literalmente traducido, significa: «propietario del poblado»: «dugu» significa poblado y  «tigui» propietario. Probablemente la expresión es el resultado de la contracción del termino «dugu kuntigui» (literalmente: jefe del poblado).
Ahora que ya he explicado claramente quien NO soy, solo me queda por añadir que me siento más confortable – por el momento – en el más absoluto anonimato. Por otra parte, la función de este blog no es promocionarme o promocionar nada; simplemente comunicar ideas a quien pueda identificarse con ellas.
© Copyright 2010/2013 Dugutigui Damantigui – All rights reserved

168 respuestas a About

  1. ron Jewell dijo:

    my first time ,
    what a big room!
    what do we do with it?

  2. Lilian dijo:

    Buenas tardes para usted,
    puede que me haya sentido indentificada con algunas de sus ideas, mejor dicho, con su sentido del humor sarcástico, rozando lo absurdo, lo cual considero sinónimo de ingenio. No sé si estaré en lo cierto, pero espero que siga compartiendo su talento. Me seduce el misterio y me produce curiosidad. Por cierto, espero que esté agusto en Argentina, que te trate bien aquella dichosa tierra, y viceversa. Un saludo. Lilian.

    • Dugutigui dijo:

      Muchas gracias por el comentario. Sinceramente creo que me valora en más de lo que realmente valgo (lo cual es mejor que todo lo contrario…).

      Lo cierto es que no he tenido tiempo para el blog desde mi llegada a Argentina. Posiblemente este mes que viene ya este instalado en mi casa definitiva y esto sin duda me permitirá seguir publicando las tonterías que suelo publicar.

      Y sí, Argentina me está tratando excelentemente y yo no pienso defraudarla.

      De nuevo muchas gracias y espero que pronto podamos seguir hablando de misterio (que también me seduce) y otras cosas, tal vez, más mundanas que se me ocurren de vez en cuando.

  3. Lilian dijo:

    ¿Publica tonterías? Un niño me dijo un día «las tonterías las hacen los tontos», no creo que usted sea uno de ellos, al menos, no es lo que una percibe. Y si lo fueran, tampoco importa mucho si gustan.
    No tiene por qué darme las gracias, en todo caso las merece usted por compartir sus pensamientos, información y reflexiones personales, sin ponerles precio.
    Espero que siga publicando, aunque, tal vez sobre cosas mundanas no, pero en cuestiones de misterio, permítame decirle que en eso, puede que le supere.
    Que le vaya bien.

    • Dugutigui dijo:

      Siento no haber contestado antes, pero no he tenido tiempo de abrir las maletas ¡en cuatro meses!
      Respecto a las cuestiones de misterio, me ha dejado intrigado…
      Un saludo desde Argentina

  4. Hershey dijo:

    Hi Dugutigui,

    Thank you so much for passing by Simply Studded. It is very much appreciated. I am happy that you enjoyed it enough to like it. I wish you much success on your blog.

    Thank You,


  5. AndrewGills dijo:

    Stunning photos!!! Just stumbled across your blog after you came to visit mine (thank you for visiting 🙂 ). I look forward to seeing more inspirational beautiful photos 🙂

  6. Thank you for ‘liking’ my post. I am always looking for inspiration . Your photos are amazing! I can’t stop looking at them. I like the colours and contrast..now to figure out how to translate them into wool..lol.

  7. Yes very cool picture do you have more to share?

  8. Cedelle dijo:

    Qué chido! 😀 a bilingual blog!

  9. Hello,

    Just a poet named Tracie

  10. anonrawgm dijo:

    Hi Dugutigui,

    Thanks a lot for taking a look at AnonymousRAWGM- glad you enjoyed the post enough to give it a like.

    It is early days yet but please keep checking back for later posts. I certainly will for your blog- I am most impressed.


  11. Love your blog!!! It’s great!!!

  12. latinfut dijo:

    Muy interesante tu blog!!! Lo estaré siguiendo…
    Un saludo!!!!

  13. CR dijo:

    Mahalo for visiting my ProPresObama blog.

    Your blog is both beautiful and poetic. It was a wonderful slowing of time. Aloha and have a great day!

  14. alterego9221 dijo:

    nice word chosen:) Nice to «meet» u, man:) wanna change links? i’m gonna put u on my blogroll right now:) see ya!

  15. Your continuing support is quite encouraging and I really appreciate it. I browsed through your blog hoping to find posts on the fifty-five visits. I’d love to see your perceptions on the different cultures. Could you point me in the right direction? Shoot me a link!

  16. manthestorm3 dijo:

    The Fly…

    I Loved it. Thanks for shining past my sight, I don’t comment much on sights I see, but your post The Fly warrants a high five.

  17. Sean dijo:

    anonymity is power

  18. Thank you for showing interest in my blog.
    I find your blog intriguing & look forward to exploring it.
    Best regards, Thomas

    • Dugutigui dijo:

      Thanks to you Thomas!
      In fact you should explore it a little bit… I’m sure you could find something interesting here.
      On other hand I am looking forward to see what is going on with you story “An all-seeing God” which is also quite intriguing for me 🙂

  19. cravencreativity dijo:

    I just wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog, I’m glad you enjoyed my latest post 🙂 I am looking forward to checking out your blog, I just read your latest post and it was creative, I was able to clearly visualize your story as I was reading it and it kept me intrigued, I liked the twist of an ending. Nicely done 🙂

    • Dugutigui dijo:

      Thanks a lot. Hope you are not flattering me 🙂
      And yes, please check this blog, I am sure you would find some interesting stuff in it… as I do in yours 🙂

  20. Madhu dijo:

    Thank you so much for dropping by my blog and the follow! You blog seems great from the little I have read. Look forward to browsing around here!

    • Dugutigui dijo:

      Yeah! I did it because I like what I saw there… and the irresistible rush of pressing the LIKE button … and to be able do it again and again and again … whenever something appeals me 🙂
      Thanks for considering whatever you show here interesting…
      Looking forward for you … coming around I mean 🙂

  21. Wanderer dijo:

    Thanks for visiting my blog and liking my post. You have a pretty nice place yourself.

  22. Thanks for liking my post, loved visiting your blog. Mystery is a good thing!

    • Dugutigui dijo:

      I “like” your post because I like your post, and I’m looking forward to imbibe myself in the next one… Re mystery I believe it is at the heart of creativity. That, and surprise.
      Thanks a lot!

  23. lisparc dijo:

    Congratulations on such a great blog!
    I enjoy reading it so much I have selected you as a worthy recipient of The Versatile Blogger award.
    Visit http://lisparc.wordpress.com/2012/03/20/versatile-blogger-award/ to find out more.
    Once again, thanks for a great blog.

    • Dugutigui dijo:

      I really appreciate this nomination. In fact I really appreciate this nomination twice… ‘cos it’s the second time I’m nominated for The Versatile Blogger Award, within the same week… 🙂

      So provided it’d be embarrassing to publish two posts on the same Ponzi scheme, I believe that to save the face of the award, one shared post would be OK.
      I also enjoy your blog very much and I am a dedicated visitor of it any time you publish something new. Also I am sure you fully deserve this award… more than I do…
      Thanks a lot for your high esteem… D. 🙂

  24. the fisrt time i saw your name i was like;
    then… kiguigui.
    Anyway Damantigui… really amazing style of writing….

    • Dugutigui dijo:

      My name is Dugutigui and the name of the blog Damantigui, hope this clarify the mess you have…
      Hahaha, don’t mind… you are not here for names that mean nothing… but I’m curious about yours: are you Kiruai or Dennis? As said that doesn’t matter at all, but just curious 🙂
      Thanks a lot from the deepest part of my ego for your comment about my writing… even being true… sounds great coming from you 🙂

  25. jefflisakbooks dijo:

    Some pretty interesting (and sometimes far out) stuff!

    • Dugutigui dijo:

      Very interesting reflection that I really appreciate: All depends on a peculiar state of mind in which thoughts start to flow without my control and little or nothing I can do to straighten them … a terrible feeling of helplessness, I guess, that come out with just interesting post or “far out” ones as you say… excuse me for the former and have fun with the latter. Thank you very much for commenting!

  26. JOVIALS dijo:

    Thank you for subscribing my page, You are having a lovely blog.

    • Dugutigui dijo:

      I know that… frankly speaking I was expecting something more creative from someone that has such a wonderful blog as you do…
      Nahh! Seriously, you are great and I really appreciate your comment going straight as a thunder to my ego… 10Q very much, you have a faithful follower here!

  27. redwheelbarrow1957 dijo:

    Thanks for following my blog. I hope you enjoy the work.

    • Dugutigui dijo:

      I don’t enjoy “the work”. I enjoy your blog… and spare time to check it properly… especially this “Penis Poem”… hahahaha whataidea! In fact I hate “work”, but they pay me well… 🙂
      No, seriously, I like your blog very much 🙂
      Thanks for commenting Bryan!

  28. Thank you for following my blog. I like that we can all have differences of opinion and likes / dislikes to comment on.

  29. Thanks for stopping by are my world…it’s a pleasure to meet you!

  30. Megan Lucas dijo:

    Hi again =)Your pictures are exquisite! I think I’m in love with your eye.

  31. authorashley dijo:

    Hey, thanks for liking my blog post! 🙂

  32. bwbears dijo:

    What a wonderful blog and I enjoyed all your captivating pictures. I would like to nominate you for the Beautiful Blogger Award here:



    • Dugutigui dijo:

      I believe I won this award for keeping open my big mouth, beside some pics, so I think I’ll do it again now.
      I know to refuse awards is another way of accepting them with more noise than is normal, but the work done is a reward in itself. Everyone in our culture wants to win a prize. Perhaps that is the grand lesson we have taken with us from kindergarten in that age of perversions of education: everyone gets a ribbon, and praise becomes a meaningless narcotic to soothe egoistic distemper. I love what I’m doing most of the time, but it’s hard work. People only see the post. They don’t know about your doubts, the hard work that goes in.
      Thank you indeed for the nomination, but I declined it. I have no material time for individual awards.

  33. todolokis dijo:

    Nice to meet you, and thank you for, follow, like. Thanking you in advance!
    I get power from this pictures !

    • Dugutigui dijo:

      Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair. That’s Power, the ultimate aphrodisiac… Nice meeting you!

  34. todolokis dijo:

    oh,my real hair has been already utterly exhausted (^^)

  35. audrina1759 dijo:

    I love your blog,and your clever posts.You are so funny.Nice to meet you.

    • Dugutigui dijo:

      I love you love my blog. So do I with yours: Elegant, stylistic, informative and entertaining. In other words: perfect.
      And I love also the omnipresent black model, I mean, the sophisticated dress, purple satin, chiffon beaded accents sparkling throughout, column floor-length sleeved ruffles, a plethora that creates a unique look on the floor length. 🙂

  36. achilliad dijo:

    Hi, Damantigui! Thank you for appreciating my recent posts! Sometimes I feel I am just writing to myself or thinking out loud via the blog. I think I need to start making some $ at this! lol

    • Dugutigui dijo:

      Well, Good luck with the “making $$$”
      In my case, I enjoy the blog, because I don’t even say what I really think in most cases, or much less try to convince anyone. Just to have a good time with some anecdotes in a tone of humor and nothing more.
      It is fun shaking a little dusty minds and say what you please, without any limitation.
      If I ever see this blog as a kind of work, I’m leaving at once.

  37. I think I like you. And not just because you post in two languages. Though that’s impressive enough. You got flare, my friend.

  38. ciao! luvFAB blog.

    • Dugutigui dijo:

      Thanks. I like your blog, because like it or not, what we dress in is a direct reflection of who we are personally, socially, and historically… Thanks again for the comment!

  39. storiesbyfrances dijo:

    Hey there Dugutigui,
    thanks for stopping by my blog. I appreciate it. I will now browse around on yours.

    Cheers, Frances

  40. ajaytao2010 dijo:

    Nice reading about you.

    Thanks. For visiting my blog Ajaytao2010@wordpress.com. Browse through the category sections, I feel you may definitely find something of your interest.

  41. Hachege dijo:

    Por lo poco que he podido leer hasta ahora me parece que voy a divertirme siguiendo el blog.
    Interesante sentido del humor.
    Un saludo

    • Dugutigui dijo:

      Gracias, eso espero.
      El mío es un sentido de humor democrático, libre de todo prejuicio: Odio para todos por igual 🙂 🙂
      Lo cierto es que yo escribo basándome en un par de teorías: una que afirma que si alguna vez alguien descubre exactamente lo que el Universo es y por qué está ahí, al instante desaparecerá y será sustituido por algo aún más extraño e inexplicable. La otra es la que afirma que esto ya ha sucedido. Y después de estas tonterías, me parece un hecho curioso que la gente -yo- sea tan trivial solo cuando se toma en serio 🙂
      ¡Gracias por comentar!

  42. very interesting site you have. Tell me–why the tiny print?

    • Dugutigui dijo:

      I’m going to tell you the truth, so I don’t have to remember anything 🙂
      Probably 75% of my visitors never read the full posts. May sound childish -I know, I’m like a child, but without a child’s capacity for joy-, but at one point I thought if the print was tiny that may encourage more people to read the full article 🙂

      • I add extraneous graphics, myself, to try to tame the H in the ADHD out there–and admit I’ve pretty much given up on longer posts, because I feel so many go unread. Not yours necessarily–mine, theirs, his, hers–a universal kind of skimming.

        Every now and then I write a long ‘un, just for me. Thanks for the peek inside. 🙂

  43. Ajaytao2010 dijo:

    I Nominate for Blogging Awards
    choose any one

    please accept and oblige


  44. Pingback: Blog Awards | Ajaytao 2010

  45. Merci de suivre mon blog. Ciao!

  46. ankushmehta dijo:

    Thanks for the likes on my posts 🙂 and thanks for visiting my blog 😀
    Have a blessed day 🙂

  47. Himani B dijo:

    what village is it that you’re a head of? I promise I will never visit it.

    • Dugutigui dijo:

      There you’ll find the place I love most in the world. The place where I grew thin from dreaming. My village, rising from the plain. Shaded with trees and leaves like a piggy bank filled with memories. You’ll see why a person would want to live there forever. Dawn, morning, mid-day, night: all the same, except for the changes in the air. The air changes the color of things there. And life whirs by as quiet as a murmur…the pure murmuring of life. Let’s say I’m speaking about … Madrid? 🙂

      • Himani B dijo:

        aha! I am actually starting to like your village now, esp. with that description *sigh* murmuring of life..what does it whisper? what secrets does it have to tell?

      • Dugutigui dijo:

        I had thought not to answer any more comments on my blog. Why?
        Being an irresponsible in the antipodes of consciousness, whose only achievement is the lack of emotion, a labourer of horror stumbling all the time futures hanged, I thought to surrender to anonymity, and the intoxication that prevents explanations that don’t convince anyone. But not being just wrath, wheezing or low hysteric, but also delicacy, collection and distinction, and tired of the skepticism that doesn’t abolish seriousness, either, alas, humanity, I decided a compromise: to answer your comments on your own blog. There you could find my answer.

        On your comment on 2013/08/29:
        “aha! I am actually starting to like your village now, esp. with that description *sigh* murmuring of life..what does it whisper? what secrets does it have to tell?”

        My answer:
        “When one turns onto himself, and is alone –without the company of words– discovers unqualified universes difficult to explain: Spain, a world of light that cedes to false dynamism, privilege of dregs, too noble to bow down a horde of nuances”.

  48. petrel41 dijo:


    I have nominated your blog for the Reader Appreciation Award.

    More about this nomination is at

    Reader Appreciation Award, thank you Ajaytao!

  49. Hi, thanks for stopping by my space … don’t mind me as I poke around yours

  50. Jim Kane dijo:

    Thank you for stopping by blog and liking a couple of posts!
    Enjoy your blogging experience!



  51. I love your writing it’s very profound and deep 🙂

    I’ll be following you too.


  52. Aphrodite dijo:

    Hi there. I became curious so I stopped by.
    I didn’t know you write in Spanish though.
    Beautiful language. I studied it for one year. 😉

    • Dugutigui dijo:

      I write in Spanish [mainly] because it is my mother tongue 🙂 , and I write in English because I like to learn.
      Thank you very much for your comment!

      • Aphrodite dijo:

        I thought so. English isn’t my mother tongue either. But just like you, I like to learn (there is still a lot of work on my English) and see what my writings can do for others. 😉

      • Dugutigui dijo:

        So, if neither English nor Spanish are your mother language, which one is it?

  53. Rupesh dijo:

    Amazing blog. Following you. 🙂

  54. Behogan dijo:

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and liking my post. Love the idea of just communicating ideas to who could feel identified with them.;+)

  55. Herman dijo:

    Hi there. Thank you for visiting and following HoB. Much appreciated!

  56. Gede Prama dijo:

    Thank you for visiting and hopefully braid is always awake. Compassion greetings from Gede Prama 🙂 http://www.gedepramascompassion.com

  57. VisitSiena dijo:

    thank you for following my blog! happy that you like it:) what an interesting blog you have !! for sure will be back here

  58. bafriyie dijo:

    I love how you’ve organized your sidebar, it’s so original. I look forward to reading more.

  59. benjan29 dijo:

    Thanks for liking the Mr. Gram T post on my blog, «Thoughts, Socks and Jots.» I’ve enjoyed perusing your English posts. Lots of interesting and, dare I say, thought provoking posts. 🙂

  60. rohithchakra dijo:

    Hi! Thank you for your time and patience for going through my blog and liking the post

  61. yoga2all dijo:

    Hi Dugutigui,
    Your blog is very nice and your style of writing is matchless, l liked you blog. And, thanks for vising my blog.
    Kabbyik Mitra, India

  62. S dot Love dijo:

    I’ve nominated you for the Sunshine Award. Congrats and keep up the great work 🙂

    Sunshine Award

    • Dugutigui dijo:

      Sunlight. The only gold to be found on Earth. Congratulations and thanks for the nomination of my blog in which thunderstorms are as much my friends as the sunshine.

  63. ywwp dijo:

    Just a suggestion:
    Go to Settings>Sharing, and select the checkbox – Front Page, Archive Pages, and Search Results
    Now if someone visits your blog, he/she may like the post without opening the post separately. It will help you get more likes on the blog.regards, http://YourWellWisherProgram.wordpress.com

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