No Contact

Contact Dugutigui?
What the hell do you want?
Want to let me know I’m a moron? Need something better to do with my live? Not funny? Ugly? Stupid? I know already, but I always welcome comments from readers like you. Feel free to send original articles on any subject, cartoons, and pictures of your loved ones naked to me.
How? Just write me a comment asking to be contacted, you brilliant netizens. I’ve no time to take desperate measures here by somehow thwarting the robots and mofos from grabbing specific e-mail addresses and spamalanching me.
And whatever can be whatever: «Hey», or «asdfasdf», or «yo, fuckbags», whatever, but be creative. I’ll get the message, I won’t get mailjacked, and I’ll be doing my part to try to answer you. Wasn’t the internet great before your marketing department heard about it?
Dugutigui (1)
A ver, ¿Qué coño quieres?
¿Quieres hacerme saber que soy un gilipollas? ¿Qué podría hacer cosas mejores con mi vida? ¿Qué no soy divertido? ¿Feo? ¿Idiota? Ya se todo eso, y de todas maneras los comentarios de lectores como tú siempre serán bienvenidos. Eres libre de enviarme artículos originales sobre cualquier tema, cómics, y fotos de tus seres queridos en pelotas.
¿Cómo? Sólo tienes que escribir un comentario y solicitarlo, brillante internauta. No tengo tiempo para tomar medidas desesperadas, que de alguna manera puedan frustrar los robots y los mofos de captura de direcciones de correo electrónico y ser spammizidado.
Y cuando digo todo, significa cualquier cosa: «Oye» o «asdfasdf» o «tu, saco de mierda», lo que sea, pero que sea creativo. Recibiré el mensaje, pero mi email no va a ser secuestrado, y voy a hacer mi parte para tratar de contestarte. ¿No era Internet grande, antes de que tu departamento de marketing hubiera oído hablar de él?
© Copyright 2010/2013 Dugutigui Damantigui – All rights reserved

74 respuestas a No Contact

  1. Robert dijo:

    Just to drop a line re the pic. It’s the best pick I ever show of people laughing. It’s so genuine. I wonder what the joke was… If youy have additional info about the situation, please share it

  2. Coco Rivers dijo:

    Hi Dugutigui,

    I am SO thrilled that you are back, I missed you! Of course, I didn’t receive any new posts (thanks WP) or I would’ve known sooner lol. I can’t wait to immerse myself in your recent posts, the pics look absolutely beautiful.

    Welcome back, my friend 🙂 Hope life is treating you well.



  3. Dugutigui dijo:

    My dearest C you know you are very special for me… WP speaking ( 🙂 just in case…). Anyhow I am just back for a little while = 10 days vacation, and submerged back again in the maelstrom of capitalism…
    And if there is something that I miss more than writing is reading you, which is always a sensible pleasure.
    Life is OK… I spend all day like a cat on her back … but I’m not complaining. I hope you and your family are doing well too … peace and love from Argentina (for the time being…)

  4. D – intriguing to say the least! Looking forward to poking around here!
    Itty Bitty

    • Dugutigui dijo:

      Intriguing by necessity: need to protect my identity for the simple reason of not getting anything good in return for going public in the past, and because so I can write more freely …
      Thanks for stopping by here. I hope to live up to your expectations and have fun with my posts… yours is great…

  5. Hello, thanks for following my Blog, I’ve followed your’s too

  6. I will let you be a reader… if you want in on my personal thread. I write for a specific audience, and you are welcome to become one of them.

    • Dugutigui dijo:

      Thank you, I believe I would like to be part of that audience…

      • I will need your direct contact. If I give you my email, will you delete the comment immediately?

      • Dugutigui dijo:

        I´m travelling in a few minutes… and I also need to consider if want to give up my sacred incognito… I’ll be back on this in a couple of days at my return… In the meantime have a kiss 🙂

      • just delete it when you can. I am really no one, but I like to tell stories to a small audience, and I thought if you wanted to read something again, I will give you access to the poetry. As long as it brings more of yours.

  7. Anastacia. dijo:

    Es bueno encontrar un sitio así, que te aleje momentáneamente de la avalancha de noticias falsas, vaciás, malas y/o alarmistas que llegan por todos lados. Queda decir que, si el mundo va a quedar frito durante mi tiempo en la tierra, al menos pase buenos ratos aquí, aunque seguro olvidaré este hecho.

    • Dugutigui dijo:

      Sí, no somos una especie muy brillante, y muy dada a olvidar lo bueno que tiene y desear siempre lo que no necesita…
      Evidentemente hay excepciones, sino ya habríamos desaparecido hace mucho tiempo…
      Mil gracias por tu comentario!

  8. Per your above instruction, I was SUPER tempted to just write «yo, fuckbags» but I figured it would be out of context. I really enjoy your writing, so thank you for somehow stumbling upon my little blogfolio of random artworks. There are a few other sites in these crazy interwebz that have my writing on them, but for socially professional reasons its best not to have the writings linked to the artwork. ;D Perhaps we’ll exchange more of the written arts soon…

    Thanks again for the lovely comments!

    • Dugutigui dijo:

      I guess -in this case- I have been lucky to meet someone creative …
      Looking forward to exchange any thing (including Trailer Park Boys videos…) with you!
      My comments are only a reflection of a subjective reality! 🙂
      You’re welcome!

  9. I don’t know who you are, and it really doesn’t matter to me. I like the way you write, hence the way you think, and now I will ask you personally to be on my tiny personal email thread, because I prefer an intimate audience, and I value what you say. I am nobody. I am just a poet, and I would like for us to pick at each other’s minds.

  10. Gary Dowell dijo:

    Just wanted to say thanks for your support of my site. Seriously, Argentina is now #4 on my stats of hits-per-country…

  11. LOVE the pic of the old men laughing:)

    • Dugutigui dijo:

      Passionate, complicated, personal, nontransferable, exclusive, and an excellent line of thought 🙂 … strange place for simple minds like mine … which I feel not inviting, but curiously attractive, even a bit morbid and dangerously destructive, by unknown, if to be annihilated at the entering instant.

  12. Jaen Wirefly dijo:

    I promise not to contact you.

  13. mac dijo:

    You are a fantastic person and your blog is hilarious.

    • Dugutigui dijo:

      How do you know that? Have we sung together a Big Mac Rap? I don’t think so…
      Okidoki, let’s do it now –let’s pray the manager is not shooting us:

      Big mac….Big Mac….I need a double cheese burger and hold the lettuce don’t be frontin son no seeds on the bun we be up in this drive through order for 2 I’m cravin a number 9 like my shoe I need some chicken up in here in this hizzle fo rizzle my nizzle extra salt on the frizzle doctor peper my brotha another for your mother double double super size and don’t forget the fries.

      Yo did you see the video of the Big Mac Rap on youtube?
      Nah, seriously, thanks for your great comment, not everyone can appreciate a work of art … I see you, however, are a keen observer … Cheers!

  14. Dugutigui dijo:

    Well, my e-mail could be found in your comments page…

  15. imhenry dijo:

    Thanks for the like 😀

  16. I am running for the Poet Laureate of my little town. Thank you for helping build my confidence.

    • Dugutigui dijo:

      I am sure you will win the award. Anyway, you are already the Poet Laureate of all who follow you, and you also make my confidence grow. Thanks for that and for your poetry.

  17. Andrew dijo:

    Your argument for not giving your contact info was hilarious good sir. I commend you.

    • Dugutigui dijo:

      Well, I yet prefer basic human contact -the meeting of eyes, the exchanging of words. Still that is to my psyche what oxygen is to the brain. When I’m feeling abandoned by the world, I interact with anyone I can, but in that shirt-sleeved way.
      Too old for digital-space-rock & roll 🙂

  18. Himani B dijo:

    this is an art in itself. what was I thinking when the thought of contacting you crossed my mind?

    • Dugutigui dijo:

      Thank you: my somehow “art” is just the lie that enables to realize the truth. Nobody wants to contact me (sic) … You know it was my birthday, and I was thinking who could be calling me? Probably my clone, wondering why I haven’t contact him… so I decided to detox my mind, my body, and my contact list!
      Thanks again for commenting!

  19. You seem to have a similar sense of humor to my own. I think I like you already. 😀

  20. hobo hippie dijo:

    any follower of Buk has my attention- -I like your blog- ana

  21. I had a good laugh at this – thank you.

    • Dugutigui dijo:

      When you laugh it’s a very Zen-like moment. You laugh so hard you cried. Unless you are in a funeral, and then it would be half appropriate. So thanks so much and don’t stop laughing because you’ll grow old.

  22. justme0486 dijo:

    You Sir are hilarious: ). Thanks for making me smile(I needed it) and for liking my stuff.

    • Dugutigui dijo:

      I want to grow a flower for every time someone tells me “Hilarious.” Then I’ll go back to that person and pin the flower on their lapel in a gesture of friendship. And while they are looking down on it in astonishment, I’ll kiss them on the forehead.”
      Thanks for your comment!

  23. I’d like to not contact you to tell you that I love your irreverent humor. And also, that I’m gonna use your blog as my lessons de espanol. Cool. Kill two birds with one stone. Thanks!

    • Dugutigui dijo:

      The benefits of killing two birds with one stone are, mostly, that you save on stones. Most people think that killing two birds with one stone is a pretty tough thing to do, but it really all depends on what birds you use, how they are arranged together, and the size and shape of the stone, as well as the particular mood of the birds in question.
      Thank you, thank you, thank you very much indeed!

  24. So true. And sometimes it’s just more efficient to use a stick of dynamite. Just sayin’

  25. freddyflow dijo:

    Flow on! Peace… Freddy Flow

  26. Fraser Mackie dijo:

    I am an A-level photography student from Birmingham (England). I am currently doing a photography project on ‘coulrophobia’ (the fear of clowns) and was very interested by your blog on ‘when clowns go bad’ and ‘evil clowns’. I would love to find out some more information about your work and its purpose as I find it inspiring. I will leave my email address below, thank you.

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